What is dissertation?
A dissertation is in most cases a final year project which requires the student to identify their area of interest and delve deeply into the topic. The aim of such a kind of project is to involve the student into undertaking through research, analysing the data, assimilating and manipulating all the information into a well written report. As it has to be done independently it aids the students in gaining a focus and enhancing the analytical, organisational and intellectual skills. A well executed dissertation will have an excellent integration and synthesis of the issues, theories and methods; logically structured.
It is a task or project which is far different from the regular assignments and projects handed out during an academic year. The other course work topics are prescribed by the tutors. In course of time students become aware of their inclination towards a particular topic. A dissertation is the outcome of this developing interest. As the word count limit is immense the information contained can be as detailed as the student wishes it to be. One can even look at a dissertation as a culmination of the studies of the previous years.
Dissertation v/s Thesis
A common misconception is that thesis and dissertation are one and the same. Thesis and dissertation are similar only in format and the similarity ends there. A dissertation is of a greater length as compared to a thesis; it could be double or triple the length. Thesis is generally an incorporation of the research of others, but a dissertation uses the previous studies along with their own to arrive at a completely new hypothesis. Original knowledge has to be contributed to the subject; therefore it requires a detailed and in-depth research and analysis.
Dissertation v/s Essay
Essays are usually shorter, somewhere between 1500-2000 words. The topic is generally suggested by the tutors. A dissertation will display the accuracy and skills in collection and assimilation of information. The dissertation states the view point of the student very loudly and clearly in accordance with the pros and cons weighed in the write-up. The conciseness of the essay depends on the understanding of the question, whereas the dissertation topic is an independent choice and will reflect the questioning, communicative and argumentative abilities of the student.
What is the right format of a dissertation?
A premium dissertation will need extensive reading and research on an innovative topic. The write up will contain an in-depth analysis, interpretations and detailed comparisons to prove the perspective of the student. The dissertation should also be able to answer all the statement questions that have formed the basis of the research. It is advisable to follow the directions mentioned in the module handbooks provided by the university and special attention should be paid to the suggestions of the dissertation supervisor. It is also imperative to get well acquainted with the requirements of the university or particular programme beforehand itself; this avoids a lot of confusion. A typical dissertation has standard features with a few changes if it is the pre-requisite of the university. A typical dissertation format will include the following:
• LIST OF TABLES, GRAPHS....( optional)
• BIBLIOGRAPHY ( alphabetically arranged list of all the sources used in research)
• APPENDICES (questionnaires, transcripts of interviews, etc.)
The traditional belief ‘do not judge a book by its cover’ does not hold true anymore. However rich the content is, if the dissertation is not well organised it may fail to capture and retain the interest of the dissertation committee. Along with a loaded content a dissertation presented well with the right continuity and flow will always help you in garnering the best of grades.
Assistance from dissertationhelps.com is available for students from all the streams and at any juncture whenever the need be.
Selection of a suitable topic can be very frustrating for the students as it can be very mystifying due to the vastness of the subjects. At times when the list of topics is suggested by the tutors the students are very dissatisfied as it may not contain any of the topics of their interest. Or sometimes they may already be having a vague idea in their mind and may need some help in just nailing down the topic. Or they may have already thought of a topic very enthusiastically, but may have drawn a blank while researching as the there may be too much or too little information available which disheartens them a great deal. It could also be the case that the student is very excited about a topic, but fails to impress the instructor with their choice of the topic.
Choosing the right topic demands the investment of a great deal of time, thinking, reading and such other immense efforts. Talking to the members of the staff may result in a lower self esteem as they may be not as encouraging. Discussions with peers could result in an even greater confusion as there could be more suggestions or even plain discouragement.
All such dilemmas are easily handled by the professionals at dissertationhelps.com, as they possess the expertise and have years of experience in dealing with such situations. Suggestions for the dissertation topics are not made off hand, they re only given after a series of discussion regarding the interest and goals of the student, and any previous independent work undertaken by them. While suggestion of topic for dissertation our academic staff is particularly cautious and affirms that:
• The topic has not been done earlier.
• The research material available is ample and easily accessible.
• The topic is neither too broad nor too narrow.
• There are sufficient references.
• And last but not the least, whether the topic will be able to sustain the interest of the student and the instructor for a long period. And will not be shelved later, but used as further reference material.