Dissertation Referencing Help and How DissertationAssist Can Help You with It


The References section of your dissertation is one of the most important parts of your academic work. It serves as the final testament to your research process and demonstrates your understanding of the existing literature. A well-organized References section not only reinforces your argument and adds credibility to your research but also acts as a guide for future researchers. Proper citation ensures that you credit the original authors, acknowledge their contributions to your field, and avoid any form of plagiarism.

Citations allow readers to verify your sources, delve deeper into your findings, and explore the studies that have influenced your dissertation. Without a properly formatted References section, your dissertation could lack academic rigor and the respect of your scholarly community.

What Belongs in the References Section?

The References section includes all the sources that you have directly cited in your dissertation. These sources can range from books, journal articles, and online papers to reports, government publications, and personal communications. Essentially, if you’ve used a source in your research to support an argument, theory, or hypothesis, it should appear in the References section.

Types of Sources to Include

  1. Books: Any books that have been referenced in your dissertation, whether they are key texts or secondary sources.

  2. Journal Articles: Both primary and secondary research articles from academic journals, which are often essential in providing credible evidence for your research.

  3. Conference Proceedings: These are important for cutting-edge research or discussions in specialized fields.

  4. Reports: Official reports from governments, research institutions, and think tanks can be included.

  5. Theses/Dissertations: You may cite previously completed dissertations if relevant to your research topic.

  6. Websites and Online Articles: For digital sources, the URL and publication/access date must be included.

  7. Legal Cases: If your dissertation involves legal studies, you may need to cite case law or statutes.

  8. Personal Communications: These include interviews, letters, emails, and other personal correspondence that contributed to your research.

Citation Styles and Their Impact on Your References

When preparing your References section, the citation style you use will dictate the format, order, and details to include in each reference. Different disciplines have different standards, so you must adhere to the specific style that your institution or department requires.

Common Citation Styles

  1. APA (American Psychological Association) Style:

    • Used in the social sciences, psychology, and education.
    • Reference format: Author, A. A. (Year). Title of work. Publisher.
  2. MLA (Modern Language Association) Style:

    • Common in humanities, especially literature and language arts.
    • Reference format: Last Name, First Name. Title of Book. Publisher, Year.
  3. Harvard Referencing:

    • Used predominantly in the UK and Australia.
    • Reference format: Author Last Name, First Initial. (Year) Title of Book. Edition. Place of publication: Publisher.
  4. Chicago/Turabian Style:

    • Often used in history, arts, and business.
    • Reference format: Last Name, First Name. Year. Title of Book. City of Publication: Publisher.
  5. IEEE (Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers):

    • Primarily used in engineering and technology fields.
    • Reference format: [1] Author Initial(s). Last Name, “Title of Paper,” Abbrev. Title of Journal, vol. X, no. Y, pp. Z-Z, Month, Year.
  6. Oxford Style:

    • Frequently used in law and related fields.
    • Reference format: Author(s) Initial(s) Last Name, Title of Book (Place of Publication: Publisher, Year), page numbers.

Formatting the References Section

To present your References correctly, make sure to follow the style guide accurately. Here’s what you need to keep in mind:

General Formatting Tips:

  • Consistency is key: Ensure that all references follow the exact format required by your citation style.
  • Alphabetical Order: List your references in alphabetical order based on the author’s last name.
  • Indentation: Most styles require hanging indentation for each reference. This means the first line of each reference is flush left, and all subsequent lines are indented.

Common Reference Elements:

Each entry typically includes the following elements:

  1. Author(s): Full names of the authors (Last Name, First Initial).
  2. Year: The year of publication in parentheses.
  3. Title of Work: Italicized or underlined, depending on the style.
  4. Publisher: The name of the publisher (for books).
  5. Journal Title/Volume Number: If citing an article, the journal’s name, volume number, issue number, and page range.
  6. DOI/URL: For online sources, include the Digital Object Identifier (DOI) or the full URL.
  7. Edition: If citing a second edition or more, include this detail.
  8. Page Numbers: If citing a chapter, article, or specific page in a book, include page numbers.

How to Format Online Sources

In the digital age, it’s essential to know how to properly cite online sources. The reference format for digital content typically requires more details than traditional sources, such as the URL or DOI.

Elements to Include for Online Sources:

  1. Author(s) (if available).
  2. Year of publication (or “n.d.” if no date is available).
  3. Title of the document or webpage.
  4. Publisher or website name (if available).
  5. URL: The direct web address to the page.
  6. Date accessed: Particularly for websites or articles where content may change over time.

For example:

  • APA Style:
    Author, A. A. (Year). Title of webpage. Website name. URL
  • Harvard Style:
    Author(s) (Year) 'Title of Webpage', Website name, Available at: URL (Accessed: Date).

Common Mistakes to Avoid in the References Section

Here are some common mistakes students make when preparing their References section:

  1. Inaccurate Information: Ensure that all details—author names, titles, publication years—are correct. Double-check your references against the source material.
  2. Inconsistent Formatting: Switching between citation styles or formatting inconsistently can confuse readers and detract from the professionalism of your work.
  3. Missing or Incorrect In-Text Citations: If you refer to a source in your dissertation body, it must be listed in the References section. Conversely, every entry in your References must have a corresponding in-text citation.
  4. Plagiarism: Never omit a reference or improperly paraphrase without attribution. Always give proper credit to original authors.
  5. Not Following the Institution's Guidelines: Every university or department may have specific referencing guidelines. Always check your dissertation manual and adhere to the required style.

How DissertationAssist.com Can Help with References

At DissertationAssist.com, we offer professional services to ensure that your References section is flawless:

  • Citation Style Guidance: We can help you choose the correct citation style based on your field and institution requirements.
  • Formatting: Our experts ensure your references are formatted correctly, using the right style and consistent formatting.
  • Source Verification: We can verify your sources to ensure they are accurately cited and follow the correct referencing rules.
  • Plagiarism Detection: We provide plagiarism checks to ensure all your references are correctly cited and your work is plagiarism-free.
  • In-Text Citation Assistance: We can help you match your in-text citations to the References section and ensure they follow the appropriate guidelines.


The References section is vital for establishing the credibility of your research, and it’s crucial to follow the correct formatting and citation standards. Whether you’re using books, journal articles, websites, or reports, each source must be cited properly to ensure the academic integrity of your work.

At DissertationAssist.com, our team is dedicated to helping you master the References section, ensuring your dissertation meets all academic standards. Let us help you with the formatting, citation, and finalization of your References, so you can focus on the research and writing that truly matter.


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